Updated on September 1st, 2017
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Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 (Pre-Conference Workshop)

Time   Subject
    Workshop on “Forensic linguistics: new procedures and standards”
Chair: Carole E. Chaski (Georgetown, US), Victoria Guillén Nieto (Alicante, Spain), Hannes Kniffka (University of Bonn, Germany), Dieter Stein (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Location: “Liefmannhaus”, Goethestraße 33-35, 79100 Freiburg
08:30   Welcome
08:45   (1) Levels of Linguistic Description
Carl Vogel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
09:15   (2) Approaches to style
Eilika Fobbe (Heiligengrabe, Germany)
09:45   (3) Style and Authorship
Carole E. Chaski (Institute for Linguistic Evidence, US)
10:15   Coffee Break
10:45   (4) Felicitous and non-felicitous presuppositions
Elizabeth Allyn Smith and Myriam Raymond-Tremblay (University of Quebec, Canada)
11:15   (5) Child abuse and reliability
Martina Nicklaus and Dieter Stein (University of Düsseldorf, Germany)
11:45   (6) ’Defamation’ as a language crime
Victoria Guillén Nieto (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
12:15   (7) Spanish Corpora in forensic analysis
Ángela Almela Sánchez-Lafuente (Universidad de Murcia, Spain), Carole E. Chaski (Institute for Linguistic Evidence, US), Gema Alcaraz Mármol (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Clara Pallejá López (Centro Universitario de la Defensa UPCT, Spain), Victoria Guillén Nieto (Universidad de Alicante, Spain), Arancha García Pinar (Centro Universitario de la Defensa UPCT, Spain)
12:45   Lunch Break
14:30   (8) Differentiating the language of domestic abusers
Ángela Almela Sánchez-Lafuente (Universidad de Murcia, Spain), Carole E. Chaski (Institute for Linguistic Evidence, US), Gema Alcaraz Mármol (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Clara Pallejá López (Centro Universitario de la Defensa UPCT, Spain), Pascual Cantos Gómez (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
15:00   (9) Benchmarking author recognition systems for forensic application
Hans van Halteren (Radboud Univeristy, The Netherlands)
15:30   (10) Methods in forensic phonetic analysis
Gea de Jong-Lendle (University of Marburg, Germany)
16:00   Coffee Break
16:15   (11) Forensic phonetics applied in the case of the clumsy kidnapper
Gea de Jong-Lendle (University of Marburg, Germany)
16:45   Software Demonstration
ALIAS: Automated Linguistic Identification & Assessment System
Carole E. Chaski (Institute for Linguistic Evidence, US)
18:30   Come together
Location: “Martin’s Bräu”, Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 237, 79098 Freiburg


Thursday, September 7th, 2017

Poster display of topics from the Junior Researcher Panel (Prometheus Hall, in front of Aula)

Time   Form   Topic – Speaker – Chair – Location
08:30   Plenary   Conference Office
Room: KGI, Room 1108
09:30   Plenary   Welcome and Introduction
Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Juliane Besters-Dilger (Vice-President for Academic Affairs, University of Freiburg, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
10:00   Plenary
  Legal Linguistics in the US: looking back and looking forward
Prof. Dr. Lawrence Solan (Brooklyn Law School, New York, US)
Chair: Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
11:00   Plenary
  The practice of the law across modes and media: Challenges and opportunities for legal linguists
Prof. Dr. Ruth Breeze (University of Navarra, Spain)
Chair: Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
12:00   Lunch Break
13:30   Panel Talks   EU Legal Culture and Translation
(1) Legal theory and logic as prerequisites for (quality in) legal translation
Anna Jopek-Bosiacka (Warsaw, Poland)
(2) The migration of constitutional concepts: four ‘translation curios’
Sophie Boyron (Birmingham, UK)
(3) Interaction of law and language in the EU: challenges of translating in multilingual environment
Aleksandra Cavoski (Birmingham, UK)
Chair: Łucja Biel  (Warsaw, Poland); Vilelmini Sosoni (Corfu, Greece)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
Language and Law in Legislation
(1) The creation of laws in a multilingual environment – Case study of the 19th century Belgian situation
Marie Bourguignon (Leuven, Belgium)
(2) Coherence in legislative texts – Can it be done, and how?
Stefan Höfler (Zurich, Switzerland)
Chair: Antje Baumann (Berlin, Germany)
Room: KGI, Romm 1009
15:00   Coffee Break
15:30   Panel Talks   EU Legal Culture and Translation
(1) Translating in the EU: Investigating the effect of translation manuals and  drafting style guides on legal language and translation practice
Vilelmini Sosoni (Corfu, Greece)
(2) Impact of institutionalization on translation quality: a corpus-based research of translation of EU law
Łucja Biel  (Warsaw, Poland)
(3) EU Legal Language and Translation: Dehumanizing the Refugee Crisis
Elpida Loupaki (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Chair: Łucja Biel  (Warsaw, Poland); Vilelmini Sosoni (Corfu, Greece)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
Pragmatics in Legal Linguistics
(1) International Law, Pragmatics and Procedural Meaning: What is the Potential?
Jennifer Smolka  (Geneva, Switzerland); Benedikt Pirker (Fribourg, Switzerland)
(2) Linguistic-pragmatic perspectives on judicial reasoning in aboriginal law in Canada
Janet Giltrow (Vancouver, Canada)
(3) The Strategic Value of Ambiguity for the Authority of EU Law in the Dialogue between the European Court of Justice and the National Courts
Sofiya Svetlanova Kartalova (Tübingen, Germany)
Chair: Jan Schuhr (Erlangen, Germany)
Room: KGI, Romm 1009
17:00   Coffee Break
17:30   Panel Talks   EU Legal Culture and Multilingualism
(1) The Triumph of Law over Language? A Case Study of Multilingually Negotiated EU Law
Izabela Schiffauer (Wrocław, Poland); Peter Schiffauer (Hagen, Germany)
(2) EU legal language and its influence on national legal languages and cultures of member states
Agnieszka Doczekalska (Warsaw, Poland)
Chair: Isolde Burr-Haase (Cologne, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
Legal Discourse
(1) Relating Law and Language in light of the Law-as-Culture-Paradigm
Werner Gephart (Bonn, Germany); Theresa Maria Strombach (Bonn, Germany)
(2) Speech Act Functions in Direct and Cross Examination Discourse in the Kenyan Courtroom
Gatitu Kiguru (Nairobi, Kenya); Emily A. Ogutu (Nairobi, Kenya); Martin C. Njoroge (Nairobi, Kenya)
(3) A Metalanguage for Misrepresentation
Karen Petroski (St. Louis, US)
Chair: Janine Luth (Heidelberg, Germany)
Room: KGI, Romm 1009
19:00   Short Break
19:15   Plenary
  Multilingual and Supranational Law in the EU:
'United in Diversity' or 'Tower of Babel'?

Prof. Dr. Ninon Colneric (Former Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Communities; Hamburg, Germany)
Chair: Ralf Poscher (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
20:15   Hors d'Oeuvres Reception
Room: KGI, Aula


Friday, September 8th, 2017

Poster display of topics from the Junior Researcher Panel (Prometheus Hall, in front of Aula)

Time   Form   Topic – Speaker – Chair – Location
09:00   Panel Talks   Legal Linguistics in Russia, Germany and China
(1) Juridical linguistics in Russia: traditions and prospects
Svetlana Takhtarova (Kazan, Russia); Diana Sabirova (Kazan, Russia)
(2) Legal Linguistics in Germany
Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg, Germany)
(3) A Probe into Testimony Styles in Chinese Criminal Trials: A Narrative Structure Perspective
Luping Zhang (Beijing, China)
Chair: Lawrence Solan (Brooklyn Law School, US)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
Legal Discourse: Argumentation
(1) But-patterns in confrontational talk: The case of oral arguments
Magdalena Szczyrbak (Kraków, Poland)
(2) Variations in objectivity-oriented interpretative legal discourse – Cartography and analysis of interpretative practices and strategies
Gustavo Just (Recife, Brazil)
(3) Rhetorical rationality and construction of normative meanings in law
Fabiana Fabiana Pinho (São Paulo, Brazil)
Chair: Thomas Coendet (Shanghai, China)
Room: KGI, Room 1009
10:30   Coffee Break
11:00   Panel Talks   Law and Media
(1) Court, constitutionality and conflict in media representations – Poland’s Constitutional Court as a case in point
Stanislaw Gozdz-Roszkowski (Lodz, Poland); Monika Kopytowska (Lodz, Poland)
(2) Constructing Legal Knowledge on Institutions through Multimedia: Choice of Aspects and Complexity of Knowledge in Different Settings
Jan Engberg (Aarhus, Denmark)
(3) Misuse of Translated Legal Terms in Chinese Newspapers: Some Examples from Intellectual Property Law Illustrated
Clara Chan (Hong Kong, China)
Chair: Ekkehard Felder (Heidelberg, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
Communicating Law
(1) Knowledge transfer with linguistic experts and expertly informed legal laymen
Viktorija Osolnik Kunc (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
(2) The legal status of tax (mis)communication in a multidisciplinary approach
Tirza Cramwinckel (Leiden, Netherlands)
(3) The JustClar project: insights into judicial phraseology
Pontrandolfo Gianluca (Trieste, Italy)
Chair: Svetlana Takhtarova (Kazan, Russia); Diana Sabirova (Kazan, Russia)
Room: KGI, Room 1009
12:30   Lunch Break
14:00   Panel Talks   Corpus linguistics and hermeneutics in Legal Linguistics
(2) A corpus-informed and cognitive-semantic view on legal language
Aleksandar Trklja (Birmingham, UK)
(2) “Effectiveness” Patterns in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights: Uncovering the Emergence of Neoliberal Discourse in EuropeanLaw through Corpus Linguistics
Anne Lise Kjær (Copenhagen, Denmark)
(3) Computer Assisted Legal Linguistics (CAL2)
Isabelle Gauer (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), Yinchun Bai (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), Hanjo Hamann (Bonn, Germany), Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Chair: Hanjo Hamann (Bonn, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
Language and Crime
(1) Impoliteness and the appraisal of intentional defamation in Spanish courts
Victoria Guillén Nieto (Alicante, Spain)
(2) Japanese Authorship Analysis Studies
Mami Hiraike Okawara (Takasaki, Japan)
(3) Creativity in the Terminology of Cybercrime
Campos Miguel Angel (Alicante, Spain)
Chair: Antje Wilton (Siegen, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1009

15:30   Coffee Break
16:00   Plenary
  Creating Law with Language – Insights from the Perspective of Legislative Practice
Prof. Dr. R. Alexander Lorz (Minister of Education, Hesse/Germany)
Chair: Dieter Stein (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
17:15   Working Groups / Meetings / Freetime / Guided Tour
- PhD-Workshop: Launching an international network of PhDs in Legal Linguistics
Participants: Rohan Nanda (Turin, Italy), Milan Potočár (Bratislava, Slowakia), Daniel Benrath (Freiburg, Germany), Gatitu Kiguru (Nairobi, Kenya), Ruta Liepina (Florence, Italy), Irene Otero Fernández (Florence, Italy), Alina Busila (Chisinau, Moldova), Cristina Blanco Garcia (Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Anne Gladitz (Bielefeld, Germany), Sofiya Kartalova (Tübingen, Germany), Florian Kuhn (Mannheim, Germany), Linda Pfister (Uppsala, Sweden), Aza Gleichmann (Greifswald, Germany), Jie Yang (Beijing, China), Shaoqing Li (Beijing, China)
Chair: Yinchun Bai (Freiburg, Germany), Isabelle Gauer (Freiburg, Germany), Jana Werner (Berlin, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1140
- Guided tour (of Freiburg / the University Museum)
Meeting point: Platz der Universität


Saturday, September 9th, 2017

Poster display of topics from the Junior Researcher Panel (Prometheus Hall, in front of Aula)

Time   Form   Topic – Speaker – Chair – Location
09:00   Plenary
  Creating Justice with Language: Insights from James B. White, Thucydides, Gregory Vlastos, and Harold Pinter
Prof. Dr. Frances Olsen (UCLA Law School, Los Angeles, US)
Chair: Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
10:00   Plenary   Conclusion: Challenges for Legal Linguistics
Ruth Breeze (University of Navarra, Spain), Frances Olsen (Los Angeles, US), Ralf Poscher (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), Lawrence Solan (Brooklyn Law School, US)
Chair: Anne Lise Kjær (Copenhagen, Denmark)
KGI, Room 1098
11:00   Group Photograph
Then: Coffee Break (Aula)
11:30   Plenary   Relaunch ILLA 2017
Chair: Dieter Stein (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098
13:30   Plenary   Farewell
Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1098


Junior Researcher Panel Programme

8th September 2017

Time   Activities
17:15   Greetings
Yinchun Bai (Freiburg, Germany), Isabelle Gauer (Freiburg, Germany), and Jana Werner (Berlin, Germany)



Lightning talks
Chair: Yinchun Bai (Freiburg, Germany), Isabelle Gauer (Freiburg, Germany), Jana Werner (Berlin, Germany)
Room: KGI, Room 1140
(1) The strategic value of ambiguity for the authority of EU law in the dialogue between the European Court of Justice and the national courts
Sofiya Kartalova (Tübingen, Germany)
(2) The power of language in transforming legal concepts
Anne Gladitz (Bielefeld, Germany)
(3) English – as the worst language choice for legal communication in the EU
Alina Busila (Chişinău, Moldova; Brno, Czech Republic)
(4) Multilingualism and the meaning of EU law
Irene Otero Fernández (Florence, Italy)
(5) The automatized evaluation of the legal translation between smaller languages
Milan Potočár (Bratislava, Slovakia)
(6) On the Accuracy of the Courtroom Interpreting in China
Jie Yang (Beijing, China)
(7) On Pragmatic Enrichment of Legal Translation
Shaoqing Li (Beijing, China)

(8) Using legal analysis as a tool for linguistic research in illocutionary acts
Daniel Benrath (Freiburg, Germany)
(9) Language of causation - a case study
Ruta Liepina (Florence, Italy)
(10) Identity Proof in Final Asylum Decisions: It matters who Children are 'written' to be
Linda Pfister (Uppsala, Sweden)
(11) A sociologic orientated linguistic analysis of the constitution of knowledge about public broadcasting fees
Aza Gleichmann (Greifswald, Germany)
(12) ‘Hearing’ persons with communication disabilities in courts
Gatitu Kiguru (Nairobi, Kenya)
(13) A semantic similarity approach for legal information retrieval in European and national legislation
Rohan Nanda (Turin, Italy)
(14) Argumentative sequences in German legal decisions: A problem centered approach on Argumentation Mining
Florian Kuhn (Darmstadt, Germany)
(15) Annotating the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535-1999
Cristina Blanco Garcia (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)


  Launching an international network of junior researchers in Legal Linguistics


  Social program